Wednesday, May 30, 2012


After work today I messed around with making kaleidoscope patterns in photoshop/illustrator then combined one of my patterns with the fish render I made of the sketch my friend Adrian & me came up with a couple months back during the sardines project.  

Other then that, I've basically been working everyday I can trying to save for next year meaning, I've been strapped for time when it comes to actually working on my website. A few days ago I played around with some of the css/javascript files and adjusted some code to suit what I'm looking at but, as it stands I'm still playing with a couple ideas for the final site. The current plan would be a simple clean layout that contains most of the content on one page but I still have a bunch of new renders to create and older work to update/clean up so still plenty to finish up before I'm ready to launch it. 


Friday, April 20, 2012


So,  I've almost finished relocating once again. I should get around to posting some new content in the next couple of days I just need to unpack and get organized first. Tonight I decided to play around with wordpress and spent about an hour trying to fix something before realizing a plugin was conflicting with my theme -__-;     well its been a while since I've really attempted anything but I think I can still manage to produce something decent soon!

Oh, I also made this for a friend quicktime its quite similar to the previous dlc stuff and its still pretty basic but still:



Tuesday, April 17, 2012


These are two wordmarks I've made in a couple hours. both consist of heavily modified type and stylization but I'm still tweaking and playing with colours and stuff like that, so for now some roughs... both names are created out of my name is some form Newtopia uses my initials (new) and Watsons is kinda obvious-



Since I'm enrolled in packaging program I probably should post some designs I've worked on
This will be a quick update as I'm preparing to move and finish up my year but I'll try to post digital mock ups as well in the future-

Glosettes, three age groups
bbq Sauce packer with product (with misprinted Jeeny's word-mark)
Side view BBQ packer
BBQ sauce dry mixes

I realize I'm missing the back panels for the bbq sauces but I'll get more detailed in next update I just wanted to share before I get busy again with work and moving


Monday, April 16, 2012


...another quick one before sleeping

I had the choice to redesign any product So, I decided to have a bit of fun with it.
I had about twelve designs drawn in about 4 hours then the following took about another hour or two to render and digitize so, keep in mind these were a pretty quick job-

either way. sardines.
Neeil Watson -


Soo.. its been a long time since I've posted anything, I have been hard at work on a bunch of new projects and was testing out some ideas for my site a couple months ago but decided to focus more on school and sorting out life stuff the last couple months. I'm almost finished school now, so I'll have a lot more time to update everything- Here's a quick bounce mock up I made a month or two ago. I was planning on posting a 3d render of the product unfortunately I was having some issues with the symbols mapping properly (the face panels refused to render) my guess is illustrator couldn't render the face panel properly due to the complexity of some of the objects but whatever, It's pretty late and I'm catching some sleep after this-

Neil Watson-

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Purina mock ups (rough_v02)

hey just a quick update before I sleep, I've been working on some mock-ups for Purina Beggin' Strips- here are two half sized semis I've started (front/back panel/revamped logos). So far these are pretty rough but on there way so I figured I'd post them. For now I'm only posting the two semis... but I have a bunch of roughs I might post when I have the finished mock ups to post as well.