Wednesday, October 20, 2010

another 3d update

I finished the first draft of my toymachine animation. The logo took under a hour to complete followed by the animation which took about another 30min. So around two hours as a finished draft. However I still want to change it around to fix some minor details and missing features (Ribs!) But aside from that enjoy'

Animated ToyMachine (N33IL 2010)


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I decided to post my first attempts at working with 3d, I'm not uber happy with the NHL logo or snowman but for being my first two attempts I dont think there half bad-
Toy-Machine Logo


Snowman (First attempt)

I'm in process of doing some other little projects as well so I'm sure there will be a couple more posted within the next couple of weeks along with the updated Dino-Toy site. Currently I've started animating the smaller details of the site & have began looking at the preloader and breaking it down but I want to get more complete before I post more-


Monday, October 4, 2010

Dino shop continued -

Just another quick update from the toyshop, below I've included one of the incomplete versions of the dino-preloader, basically he burns his food, it ashes showing the page loaded and the loading text floats in,

I eventually changed the loading text to being a loading bar on the bottom (I felt the text was kinda out of nowhere) But, for now another draft-

Toy-Shop mock up v01

Well.. I've truely been slacking in terms of updates
I'm going to start posting projects more frequently again-

regardless, below is a toyshop concept site I made this is only the first version but eventually it'll be fully animated and hosted on my server.