Monday, August 29, 2011



I havn't been able to update recently due to work and getting ready to move, however I have been working on some new vector art and trying out some new things so hopefully I'll get something up soon when I'm unpacked and settled into my new place.

Project Space (aka the demo) is also on hold for the time being, I have one level finished with music and everything however when I started composing music I got fairly distracted and started trying to learn more about the software I was using resulting in a lack of time to work on the game itself. I'm aiming at imitating early Famicom music by writing midi tracks then converting the tracks through another piece of software which mirrors the sound range somewhat closely.

Aside from that, I recently received in the mail a copy of a CD I designed (a couple of entries back) so I'll post some photos of that as well when I unpack and find them again.

